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Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Pan Cookies

These are one of my favorite gluten free desserts. They are the 10% splurge to the 90/10 rule I teach my clients. Sometimes you just need something sweet and indulgent. These definitely hit the spot!

2 1/4 C All Purpose - Cup for Cup - Gluten Free Flour

1 tsp. Baking Soda

1 tsp Redmonds Real Salt

1 C Real Butter

3/4 C Sugar

3/4 C Firmly Packed Brown Sugar

1 tsp. Vanilla

2 Eggs

1-12oz Bag of Enjoy Life Chocolate Chips

1 C Chopped Walnuts (Optional)

1. Preheat your oven to 375 degrees.

2. In a small mixing bowl, combine flour, baking soda and salt, set aside.

3. In a large mixing bowl, use a hand mixer to beat butter, sugar and brown sugar until creamy.

4. Add in the vanilla and beat a bit longer.

5. Add eggs and beat until mixed.

6. Gradually start adding in flour mixture in small amounts, mixing well.

7. Stir in chocolate chips and nuts. Mix until evenly incorporated.

8.Spread into a greased 15"x10"x1" baking pan

Bake at 375 degrees for 20-25 minutes.

Notes: Make sure you check and confirm all your ingredients are gluten free, if you are concerned with this being 100% gluten free. I like to use free range eggs, grass fed butter, and organic vanilla. Even though this is a dessert, I try to make sure the ingredients used are still as clean as possible.

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